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Clifton Junior Athletic League (CJAL) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, run entirely by volunteers, to promote, develop and supervise youth baseball. We have served the community of Clifton, New Jersey, since 1953, and we continue to provide organized youth baseball programs for over 300 children, ranging in ages from 5 thru 15. We operate out of the Albion Memorial Park Fieldhouse, which is located at 237 Maplewood Avenue. Albion Memorial Park is home to 3 baseball fields, a batting cage, a concessions stand and restrooms (as well as tennis courts, a basketball court and a new playground).
The Clifton Junior Athletic League Youth Baseball Organization proudly charters with Babe Ruth League, Cal Ripken Baseball (a division of Babe Ruth League, Inc.), and Bambino Buddy-Ball.
The Babe Ruth Baseball/Softball program, using regulation competitive baseball and softball rules, teaches skills, mental and physical development, a respect for the rules of the game, and basic ideals of sportsmanship and fair play. In all aspects, Babe Ruth League, Inc. is committed to providing our participants the very best educational, sports experience possible. It is our fundamental belief that every child with a desire to play baseball or softball be afforded that opportunity.
- Develop a strong, clean, healthy body, mind and soul.
- Develop a strong urge for sportsman-like conduct.
- Develop understanding of and respect for the RULES.
- Develop courage in defeat, tolerance and modesty in victory.
- Develop control over emotions and speech.
- Develop spirit of cooperation and team play.
- Develop into real, true CITIZENS...
Babe Ruth League offers multiple divisions for play. Divisions are based on the style of play and age groups. Babe Ruth League tournament play is also based on the particular division of play. Click one of the following main divisions to learn more.
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